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What is K Method?

In the highly complex world of investing, gaining knowledge to steadily increase win rates: “Even beginners can understand the principles of the market”

  • What are the different states of market price movements?
  • What entry methods match different market conditions?
  • Where to place stop-loss and take-profit points during entry.
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Benefits of learning with K-demy

  • A method backed by proven results K method
  • Video content you can watch anytime
  • Online lectures available anytime, anywhere
  • Providing members with accurate fundamental and technical information

Are you ready to start learning?

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Our team


Keiko Matsumoto

The developer of “K Theory,” known in the trading world as the “Emiko Uematsu of trading,” emphasizes that “the most important thing is fun.” Her passionate lectures are filled with understanding, laughter, and enthusiasm.



Mata, who self-studied the “FX Textbook” online, learned from Keiko through seminars and camps. Now, she is recognized as an expert in counter-trend trading.



Mata, who self-studied the “FX Textbook” online, learned from Keiko through seminars and camps. Now, she is recognized as an expert in counter-trend trading.